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Getting started with Photomemoirs
Checklist - getting started
If you have finished reading our "How it works" page, then you will know what the Photomemoirs concept is - and what our other services are.
So you can start to prepare. This is a practical guide to getting taking the first steps to writing your memoirs with our help.

What kind of memoir?
Who can help me?
Do I have what I need?
Contact Photomemoirs before ordering
1. What kind of memoir?
We recommend that you have a think about this before contacting us. To write a Photomemoirs book from scratch click here to see how Photomemoirs works. To give existing memoirs a makeover or update click here to see our other memoir services
Also consider what the subject of your memoirs will be if you are writing them from scratch. A memoir can be anything. It can be about a short period of your life, or an experience or what ever you want it to be. There are no rules about how to structure a memoir.
All that we ask is that you contact us before ordering, so that we can give you our input and thoughts about your ideas and give you a few tips to help you decide.
2. Who can help me?
Writing a memoir is not something that can be done in a matter of weeks - it will take months, so having someone to help inspire you, discuss ideas, help with the structure will make it all the more fun.
That's the essence of Photomemoirs - we created it to be a pasttime that brings family, friends and community together in a celebration of all the good times that people have spent together.
Of course, you are welcome to contact your Photomemoirs editor anytime during the process. We'd love help you with tips and feedback on your ideas. Our editors are all chosen for their love of writing and love of life!
3. What do I need
In theory, you don´t need anything except the Photomemoirs Starter Kit that we will send you. It will have your dictaphone, User Manual which is all ready to go and your Photomemoirs Editor will help you from start to finish.
You will need to have a few tools at your disposal. You need to be able to send us the recordings. You need to be able to send us a copy of the photos for your book.If you have any doubts about this, then contact us before ordering.
You will need access to a PC, or a Mac computer and a smartphone and an email address so that we can contact you.
Don't worry about this now. If you are not the most tech-savvy person in the world, then perhaps you can enlist the help of a family member, a friend or a neighbour to can help you with techical side of things.
4. Contact Photomemoirs before ordering
Before visiting our Order page to order either a Photomemoirs book - or one of our Memoirs Services, please contact us to discuss your ideas.
You can find our contact details by clicking on the button below.