Why choose Photomemoirs?
Why choose us to help you write a memoir
There are many ways to write a memoir but we hope you will choose us because we love memoirs, stories, people and history. We will do our very best to give you great value for money

Why choose Photomemoirs?
Photomemoirs is a simple and fun way to write your memoirs. Photomemoirs is easier and more fun than writing traditional memoirs or autobiographies.
No writing skills needed
Most of us are not accomplished writers and have little idea how to write, structure and publish a book. Writing traditional memoirs is not easy. It takes time and effort and can be costly. If you are famous, then you might be able to afford professional help to write your memoirs from a "ghost-writer". A ghostwriter is a writer who writes your book for you - based on your memories. However, ghost-writers are not cheap and not a practical option for amateur memoir writers who are not world famous but only "family famous".
Easy and fun
A good choice, if you want to write your memoirs for your friends, family and future generations to enjoy, is to use a method like Photomemoirs. We think it's an easier and better way to write memoirs! And more fun! As the name indicates Photomemoirs uses photos as the backbone of your memoirs. "A picture is worth a thousand words," but the person on the picture can tell another thousand words. That's how Photomemoirs works. Not everyone can write a book, but everyone can tell the stories about their photographs in their own words. Old famliy photso are fun and interesting and hearing the story behind the photo make them even more exciting.
More reasons
Writing your Photomemoirs is as easy as showing your friends and family your vacation photos and telling them what happened. PhotoMemoirs combines your most memorable photographs with your own words to tell the story of the photo. To write your Photomemoirs you simply pick your best photos and then record your stories about your photos. Then send copies of your photos and your voice recordings to us at Photomemoirs.co. We compile your photos and words in a published Photomemoirs book with a lovely front and back cover to make an impressive, fascinating and fun story of your memoirs for your family, friends and future generations. We include 5 paperback books in your order. You can order more books, or e-books, at anytime. That's it. It's easy. In fact, it's so easy the very first Photomemoirs book was written by our mother Lisette Staal Williams. She wrote a memoir of two years spent in Malaysia in the 1950s, when she was on a cruise at age 81 using the Photomemoirs method.
Summary of reasons to choose Photomemoirs
- Affordable - hours of fun
- Easy and fun
- Family business - human touch
- Other reasons