Editing & Proofreading
SERVICE: Editing & Proofreading
After all the hard work you've put into your writing, then it's worth it to let a professional and experienced outsider, review it with fresh eyes.
Our editing & proofreading service will help you feel confident that your writing is ready for self-publishing or for submission to publishers.
Our editing & proofreading service will help you feel confident that your writing is ready for self-publishing or for submission to publishers.
Proofreading & Editing
Service: Proofreading
Service: Editing
Service: Editing
What can we do?
Our editors can check your work for typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency of, for example, unusual spellings or hyphenated words, and also make sure the headings match the contents page.
They can also advise on improvements to reconstruct sentences where needed.
They can also advise on improvements to reconstruct sentences where needed.