How to order Photomemoirs. What services do we provide to help you write your memoirs

The Photomemoirs service helps you to "write" and publish a book on Amazon in paperback or Kindle 

Your finished Photomemoirs book will be created by after we receive your selection of 30, 40 or 50 of own photographs and your own voice recordings to describe each photograph 

You select the photographs yourself from your personal collection and you make the voice recordings yourself. 

PhotoMemoirs provides instructions and support to help you with the following steps:

How to choose photographs and record the voice files.

How to help you convert your photographs from paper photographs to digital files

How to make your voice recordings using a dictaphone.

-  How to send us the digital photos and voice recordings

After receiving your digital photographs and recordings, the Photomemoirs team will transcribe your voice recordings into text files and will format the photographs and text files into a paperback book

Then Photomemoirs team creates a front and back cover using a Photomemoirs cover templates of your choice

When the book is ready for publishing, we send you a proof edition copy for approval

When you have approved you will get your Photomemoirs book 5 paperback books and a link on Amazon for friends and family to order books.

You can order more books from us anytime - we will charge a very small handling fee for additional book orders

Contact to get started today.

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